Xcite Blog

Do You Measure Your RoR? (Return on Reviews)

The world of Digital and Internet marketing is changing every single day.  There are things we do as “marketers” every single day.   We would have never even dreamed of doing some of the things we do today five years ago. … Read more »

4 Myths of Video Marketing Production

Marketing Experts Believe in Video In a previous post, Signs You Should Invest in Video Marketing, we discussed the reasons why you should invest in video marketing for your website in 2014 and the reasons it works so well.  Video… Read more »

Google Launches New Google Partner Program

On October 2nd, Google announced Google Partners, an umbrella program meant to consolidate all of the company’s other agency programs under one roof. Google already supported ad agencies with a number of programs like Agency Edge, Google Engage, and its… Read more »

Xcite Holiday at The Internship Opening

By Laurie Riley For those of you that are our clients, when you ask how to have the best internet strategy you have heard us say, in so many words – “Simply follow Google’s rules and create the best experience… Read more »

SEO Flow Chart

It’s very easy to get bogged down in all the SEO speak when it comes to your website’s content.  Today there’s lots of talk around the concept of Content Marketing and adding “fresh content” to your site constantly.  We created… Read more »

Should Every Website Be Updating Fresh Content

Google has expressed in the past that frequently updated pages get a boost in rankings (QDF / Query That Deserves Freshness), that seems to favor blogs and news sites over company sites, which have less reason to be updated often…. Read more »