What is SEO?

SEO (search engine optimization) is a marketing strategy used to boost the visibility of your website through organic search. When your website ranks high in the search results, your business is more likely to be discovered by new clients or customers. Although we provide search engine optimization services while located in the Denver area, SEO can be utilized on both a local and national scale.

Search engines will use crawlers to get information about your website in order to determine what your business offers and how valuable your website is. The value of your website can be determined by a number of factors:

Optimizing your website tells search engines (like Google) that your website is valuable and should be more visible in the search results.

When a person searches on Google, they are typically met with a few options: a few sponsored results at the top and organic search results below them. The sponsored posts cost money while organic search results rank based on how valuable the search engine deems the website to be instead of paying for a top spot. Although you can pay for a top spot on Google, SEO helps guarantee that your website will stay visible for months without having to continually pay for a sponsored post making SEO one of the best strategies for long term revenue.

search engine results

Ranking higher in Google is no easy feat and can take months of optimization to see results. With that being said, there are strategies you can use to improve your website’s SEO and rank up in Google:

  • Remove errors sites404’s, broken images, slow responding pages
  • Determine keywords to use – Keywords help search engines know what your website offers.
  • Post blogs – Posting blogs gives you more opportunities to use your keywords to make your website more discoverable.

Why is SEO important for your business?

SEO boosts the discoverability of your website

Ranking high in the organic (unpaid) search results means more people will find your business when using a search engine. Because 85% of all clicks occur on the first page of Google, it is paramount that your website ranks high in order to ensure you can reach potential clients and customers.

SEO increases revenue

Optimizing your website for search engines increases revenue in a variety of ways:

  • More traffic to your website means there are more opportunities for customers to buy your products or services.
  • 80% of customers research products and services online before making a purchase. This means if someone can’t find you on Google, it’s possible they will never consider your business in their purchasing decision.
  • You target the correct audience increasing the quality of traffic to your website.

SEO improves the user experience

Have you ever been to a website that is difficult to find what you’re looking for? A bad user experience (UX) can cause people to navigate to another website even if your business has what they are looking for. Here’s what may contribute to a bad UX:

  • Slow website loading speed
  • Lack of structure (navigation bar, no clear call to action, etc)
  • No accessibility options
  • Ignoring the mobile version of the website

Get started with an SEO plan to increase your business’s revenue

The Xcite Group offers search engine optimization services in Denver as well as all over the country. Learn more about what we offer, and get your website analyzed within minutes to get your SEO Report Card. 

filed under: SEO