Link building is the key to building trust with search engines, and backlinks are one of the most important factors in Google’s ranking algorithm. It is also one of the most misunderstood aspects of SEO. Many people think that getting backlinks through forums, link farms and blog comments is link building, but these low quality links will actually get your website into trouble. Quality always trumps quantity, and trust and offsite work go hand-in-hand in this case: the more trust you have with other sites, the more you’ll be recognized for keeping and maintaining that trust.

How do you build trust? Your website’s trust is based on the number of other websites that link back to yours. As a result, the more backlinks your site receives – relevant and not spammy links – the more this gives search engines an approval of trust; teaching the bots that crawl your website that users can reliably visit your website. Essentially, quality backlinks give your company a digital vote of confidence!

It’s important for your business to stay active and connected within your industry, and we help keep you connected by placing active and clickable links in popular online databases that link back to your website. These databases can include industry sites, business directories, blogs, and more. 

At Xcite we use specialized tools to help you get quality links that will benefit your business and we’d be happy to talk about how to improve website rankings for your business. In the meantime, here are 5 ways that link building can be diversified, showing search engines that your website can be trusted!

1. Link Location

Always make sure the links placed are put in a diverse range of sources for users to find your website. Having a variety of links related to other sources helps spread your business online for others to find and notice you.

2. Link Type

Links are made to be instinctive and organic for the purpose of administering the appropriate mix of no-follow and do-follow links. No-follow links are links with a tag that tells the search engine not to pass the juice or authority. Do-follow links are links that can benefit your website to get a higher page rank.

3. Link Quality

Make sure your business doesn’t have a multitude of links. Too many links can come off suspicious and odd to search engines. Giving your business the right amount of links in a professional light gives your business the tools it needs to succeed.

4. Content Type

Creating an assortment of content associated with your links helps to build relevance and trust. These forms of content can range from blog posts, articles, article engagement, infographics, and other web content. Users like to have options in reading content. Giving them various types of content can help build your businesses trust while also gaining credibility.

5. Link Scheduling

Some links can be fabricated and be easier to spot. This can be due to their content being posted erratically, all at once. Having organic links that are posted and scheduled randomly at any time, can appear more credible. For example, if users know when you consistently post new content over time, they will be looking forward to seeing it. If a business posts a large amount of content at random times, it can come off less genuine and unprofessional for the business.